The Chinese company Fanvil manufactures terminal equipment for IP telephony: IP phones, telephone headsets, cordless phones, broadcasting equipment, as well as intercom systems. იხილეთ მეტი


Due to its low price and good quality, Fanvil IP phones have gained well-deserved popularity in our market.


The company's product portfolio includes a wide range of telephones for various functional purposes: office telephones necessary for the work of most company employees, video phones that allow you to organize video conferences for participants located in geographically remote locations, telephones for dispatch services with external microphones, specialized telephones for hotels.


The additional use of telephone headsets will allow you to organize the work of your call center operators.


If the specifics of your company's work involves high mobility of employees in the office, LINKVIL wireless Wi-Fi phones will be useful for their communications.

წერილის მიწერა
აუცილებლად შესავსები ველი
ღილაკის დაჭერით , თქვენ ეთანხმებით პერსონალური მონაცემების დამუშავებას.
დახმარება Fanvil